Changing Database Settings and Credentials

Canopy stores it's DB configuration in /etc/canopy/canopy.ini under the DATABASE_URL setting.

The settings takes the format of an URI e.g. postgres://username:password@hostname/databasename

It can be tested via: canopy-manage testdb (Only available from Canopy 3.0.3)


Canopy's processes should be restarted if any settings in that file is changed or if the database is restarted!

Canopy can be restarted via: supervisorctl restart all

File locations are for Ubuntu and might be slightly different for RHEL based distrubutions


Please consider the steps provided as only a guideline and refer to the official documentation for authoritative information:

Changing canopy DB user's password:

  1. As root, execute: sudo -u postgres psql
  2. In the psql client execute: ALTER ROLE canopy WITH PASSWORD 'the new password';
  3. Change the DATABASE_URL in /etc/canopy/canopy.ini to be the same
  4. Test access via: canopy-manage testdb
  5. Restart Canopy

If the DB will be exposed to the network then a strong password should be assigned.

Changing host-based access control:

By default only local processes can connect to Postgresql via a file socket or over the loopback interface. If you intend to expose the DB to the network then additional access needs to be granted.

To add an additional host/network to Postges's host-based access control:

  1. Open /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/pg_hba.conf
  2. Add a line similar to the follow but with the appropriate IP address: 

    host canopy canopy md5

  3. Restart postgresql: service postgresql restart

  4. Test access via: canopy-manage testdb

  5. Restart Canopy

Please see the comments in that file and the official documentation:

Changing DB listening interfaces:

By default postgres only listens on localhost and a file socket. To change the addresses it listens on:

  1. As root, edit the listen_addresses variable in /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/postgresql.conf
  2. Restart postgresql: service postgresql restart

  3. Test access via: canopy-manage testdb

  4. Restart Canopy

For more information see the official documentation: