Supported operating systems

Supported configuration

Canopy can only be supported under certain conditions. The following requirements must be me in order for CheckSec to provide support for Canopy.

Operating systems

The following operating systems are supported

Operating systemVersions supported
Ubuntu (star)16.04 LTS
RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)7.x
Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL)7.x

Note: deployments on AWS are possible and have been tested using the Amazon and Canonical supported AMIs.

Database servers

The following database server versions are supported:

DatabaseVersions supported
PostgreSQL (star)9.3+
Oracle DB Server12c

Supported tools and versions (importers)

Canopy maintains support for a number of tools which our users depend on. This tool list may change from time to time, and versions are tracked as frequently as possible (in some cases, automated validation is in place, in others it is not).

For a full list of tools supported by Canopy and the latest versions supported, please see: Supported tools.